Sun FireDefense is the premier provider of advanced fire defense and home wildfire protection products in the U.S. By utilizing aerospace-grade materials, they deliver lasting, high-temperature fire protection that stops the ignition and spread of fire for years, with one application.

Home Fire and Wildfire
Protection Systems

Intumescent Coatings >>

⦾ Developed using aerospace technology to protect rockets against extreme heat during re-entry into Earth’s atmosphere
⦾ Class A Rated 30 Minute Accredited Test Report
⦾ Prevents ignition and spread of fire on treated surfaces
⦾ of fire protection from a single application
⦾ Dries clear and will not alter the integrity of your home
⦾ Contains inhibitors effective against rot/mold/mildew and termites

The Sun FireDefense
Home Protection Process

⦾ Structures are first pressure washed to remove dirt and debris.
⦾ Non-combustible surfaces, window panes, fixtures and plants are masked off or covered.
⦾ The coating is then sprayed on by a trained professional using an airless sprayer. In some cases it can also be brush applied.
⦾ Finally, cleanup and any other fire prevention measures we are implemented, such as vent upgrades, deck enclosures or window treatments.

Sun FireDefense FireShield Fabric
Whole Home Protection

Will not burn and provides long-lasting insulation to over 2300 degrees.
Creates no smoke or fumes when hit by flames.
Can be used to secure vents, structural openings, or manufactured into covers and frames.
Incorporated into fire shelters for firefighters and Forest Service.

Sun FireDefense
Window Laminates

Our laminates are crystal clear coatings applied to the inside of windows that insulate against the extreme heat of a wildfire, and prevent panes from shattering and falling out under extreme temperatures or on impact. They provide added security against burglary, and increased safety during earthquakes and fires.

Sun FireDefense

Applied to any surface – dries clear
Acheives a class “A” rated 30 Minute extended burn time
Years of protection from a single application
Inhibits rot, mold/mildew and termites
Utility patent pending, and trade secret formula
Used to protect utility poles, roofing, vents, or structural elements and/or openings
Provides radiant heat and flame for insulation applications over 3000℉. Mitigates fire damage to exterior commercial cladding.
Currently used by Virgin Orbit to protect rocket stands during launch sustaining 6,000F, 70,000lbs of thrust over multiple launch testing.
Crystal clear laminates applied to the inside of windows
Protects against extreme radiant heat, flame and impact resistant
Keeps fire from entering through shattered windows
Provides energy savings and added security

SPF 3000 Clear Spray


FireShield Fabric


ClearShield Laminates


⦾ Offering clear, energy saving laminates applied to the inside of windows.

⦾ Class A fire resistant and offers multiple grades of impact resistance against break-ins, munitions and ballistic ratings.


Keeps fire from entering through shattered windows.


10 Year Warranty.

Products Application and
Market Modeling

⦾ Emergency Fire Shelters and Shields for wildland firefighters and all high exposure personnel.

⦾ Personal Protection Shields – for personal protection associated with egress from high-risk hazard zones, Areas, Spaces and Compartments.

⦾ Residential or Commercial Structures – providing Comprehensive Protection with SPF 3000 Clear Coat and SPF 3000 Treated Fire Blanket Applications.

⦾ Electrical Grid and Utility Pole Treatments for Protection from Fire , Lightning or Electrical Arc Exposure events.

⦾ Other Technology Applications & Industry prospects include: Marine, Industrial, Chemical, Manufacturing and Governmental Enterprise and DOD interests.

⦾ Product Licensing, Distribution and Market Area Agreements.

fire image for home pg

On average, over 60,000 wildfires burn up
to 10 million acres in the U.S. each year.

In 2017 alone, California had over $180 billion in losses due to wildfires.
Over the coming decades, western and northern North America is projected to have a major escalation in wildfire activity — five or more times the current levels — in total wildfire area burned.

Sun FireDefense Test Report:

Bonneville Power


Lightning strike simulation test passed by Bonneville Power Administration and The Department of Energy on utility poles using 30 minute rating coating. The following testing results are available from the link below.



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